Ayst Inst an Stofstans known as King Stoffstan I of The City of Stoffstance born -32 died 37 reigned from 0 until 37 e.y. ( 876) ( 945) ( 908) ( 945) Legend has it that he founded the city of Stoffstance, but modern historians beleive that he was actually its first strong ruler, who took power from what was probably some sort of aristocratic assembly. This would seem logical, for it was a common trait among Stoffonian-speaking peoples in their earlier times that cities were lead by a coalition of important families. Also, it seems that by the time of his reign, Stoffstance was already a well-established trading center, as noted in the writings of the Elosians at the time. In any case, he began the pattern of rulership followed for a thousand years afterward. He established the kingship as a total dictatorship, and did all he could to stamp out the powers of the leading families. Most importantly, he set put all public offices directly under the control of the throne. In other cities, it had been a common occurrence that many offices within the government were actually passed from father to son within the system. Stoffstan felt that this was a threat to his authority as king, so he did away with it. Also, he created a military where advancement was based solely on performance, so that the sons of the great families began just as low on the ladder of command as common men. In future generations, many who would otherwise have lived their lives as peasants made it up through the ranks of the military, and were appointed to important places in the government afterward ( some of these even made it to the throne). He also established the idea that a king could appoint anyone as his successor, and that hereditary succession would take place only when the king willed it, or when he died without naming a replacement. He did appoint his eldest son to succeed him, but he emphasized that he could have actually chosen any man in the city if he had wished to. The only vestige of oligarchial power was a body called the King's Council, a group of men appointed by the king as a sort of brain-trust. The Council had no legal authority whatsoever, and its members could be dismissed and replaced by the King at will. The size of the Council under Stoffstan I and his immediate successors was about a dozen men. It almost always included the High General (commander of all forces under the king), the Patriarch of the Faith (religious leader), and various others who also held other important positions. Jothor Inst an Stoffstans known as King Stoffstan II of The City of Stoffstance born -12 died 51 reigned from 37 until 51 e.y. ( 896) ( 959) ( 945) ( 959) bel Ayst Inst an Stoffstans known as King Stoffstan III of The City of Stoffstance born 10 died 63 reigned from 51 until 63 e.y. ( 918) ( 971) ( 959) ( 971) Ronthor Pelstan an Stofstans to Istof known as King Istoff of The City of Stoffstance born 20 died 90 reigned from 63 until 90 e.y. ( 928) ( 998) ( 971) ( 998) He became aquainted with Stoffstan III while serving under him in the army, and and became a good friend of the older man. He eventually came to hold the post of High General, and it became apparent that he was going to be the next king. His official appointment to the succession was concurrent with his marriage to Bethra, the daughter of King Stoffstan III. This practice became common in future generations, and that is the main reason why there is a memo attached to the entry. As his successor, he finally made good use of the freedom of succession doctrine by appointing Inistle, a soldier of common stock but a great companion of the king. Akenthor Inistil known as King Inistle of The City of Stoffstance born 0 died 0 reigned from 90 until 115 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) ( 998) (1023) Yothor Anstl known as King Anstle of The City of Stoffstance born 0 died 0 reigned from 115 until 151 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1023) (1059) Melenthor Gamin known as King Gamian of The City of Stoffstance born 0 died 0 reigned from 151 until 175 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1059) (1083) Ayst Ijermeshil known as King Igermeshiel I of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 143 died 213 reigned from 175 until 213 e.y. (1051) (1121) (1083) (1121) Methor Ijermeshil known as King Igermeshiel II of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 186 died 246 reigned from 213 until 246 e.y. (1094) (1154) (1121) (1154) Istan Melinost an Almusp known as King Almuspan of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 195 died 252 reigned from 246 until 252 e.y. (1103) (1160) (1154) (1160) > Pelst Rilineshil an Almusp to Kulstof known as King Kulstoff I of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 223 died 275 reigned from 252 until 275 e.y. (1131) (1183) (1160) (1183) > bel Pelst Rilineshil an Almusp na Kulstof known as King Kulstoff II of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 240 died 280 reigned from 275 until 280 e.y. (1148) (1188) (1183) (1188) > Ilist Moltinost known as King Moltinost of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 240 died 301 reigned from 280 until 301 e.y. (1148) (1209) (1188) (1209) > Rethror Deminost known as King Deminost of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 280 died 347 reigned from 301 until 347 e.y. (1188) (1255) (1209) (1255) > Jothor Hemalnost known as King Hemalnost of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 299 died 365 reigned from 347 until 365 e.y. (1207) (1273) (1255) (1273) > Gamiln Bethrist an Angstof known as King Angstoff I of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 315 died 384 reigned from 365 until 384 e.y. (1223) (1292) (1273) (1292) bel Gamiln Bethrist an Angstof known as King Angstoff II of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 340 died 410 reigned from 384 until 410 e.y. (1248) (1318) (1292) (1318) > aks Gamiln Bethrist an Angstof known as King Angstoff III of The Kingdom of Stoffonia born 372 died 435 reigned from 410 until 435 e.y. (1280) (1343) (1318) (1343) Othan Lanstan an Angstof to Rostof known as Emporer Rostoff I of The Empire of Stoffonia born 395 died 486 reigned from 435 until 475 e.y. (1303) (1394) (1343) (1383) Jothor Lanstan an Angstof to Rostof known as Emporer Rostoff II of The Empire of Stoffonia born 435 died 510 reigned from 475 until 500 e.y. (1343) (1418) (1383) (1408) > bel Othan Lanstan an Angstof to Rostof known as Emporer Rostoff III of The Empire of Stoffonia born 460 died 532 reigned from 500 until 532 e.y. (1368) (1440) (1408) (1440) 1 Detan Palnistan an Angstof to Rostof to Custof known as Emporer Custoff I of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 480 died 557 reigned from 532 until 557 e.y. (1388) (1465) (1440) (1465) 1 Ayst Palnistan an Angstof to Rostof to Custof known as Emporer Custoff II of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 510 died 586 reigned from 557 until 586 e.y. (1418) (1494) (1465) (1494) > bel Ayst Palnistan an Angstof to Rostof to Custof known as Emporer Custoff III of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 540 died 601 reigned from 586 until 601 e.y. (1448) (1509) (1494) (1509) > Orin Zamilm an Umult known as Emporer Umultan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 601 until 635 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1509) (1543) > Ronthor Aylstan an Malst known as Emporer Malstan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 635 until 660 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1543) (1568) > Methor Inistil an Meels known as Emporer Meelstan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 660 until 692 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1568) (1600) > Ayst Inistil an Meels to Rels known as Emporer Rellstan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 692 until 719 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1600) (1627) > Ayst Inistil an Meels to Rels to Ibinstof known as Emporer Ibbihnstoff of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 719 until 750 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1627) (1658) > Yothor Hiitan known as Emporer Hightan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 750 until 791 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1658) (1699) > Ronthor Orinstan known as Emporer Orinstan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 791 until 800 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1699) (1708) > Bistil Orinstan an Palanos known as Emporer Palanos of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 800 until 842 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1708) (1750) > Istan Bekelst an Palanos to Gulin known as Emporer Gullen of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 842 until 874 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1750) (1782) > Ayth Maranst an Angstof to Rostof to Festof known as Emporer Festoff of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 874 until 890 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1782) (1798) > Othor Dimulain an Angstof to Rostof to Festof to Histof known as Emporer Histoff of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 890 until 924 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1798) (1832) > Pelst Amnistil an Angstof to Rostof to Festof to Histof to Gubnue known as Emporer Gubnewan of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 924 until 941 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1832) (1849) > Ayst Detan an Angstof to Rostof to Festof to Histof to Gubnue to Dos tof known as Emporer Dostoff I of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 941 until 965 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1849) (1873) > bel Ayst Detan an Angstof to Rostof to Festof to Histof to Gubnue to D ostof known as Emporer Dostoff II of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 965 until 981 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1873) (1889) > aks Ayst Detan an Angstof to Rostof to Festof to Histof to Gubnue to D ostof known as Emporer Dostoff III of The Grand Empire of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 981 until 1000 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1889) (1908) > Yothor Stanstan known as President Stanstan of The Republic of Stoffonia born 967 died 1013 reigned from 1000 until 1010 e.y. (1875) (1921) (1908) (1918) > Aykst Ilist known as President Illist of The Republic of Stoffonia born 960 died 1025 reigned from 1010 until 1015 e.y. (1868) (1933) (1918) (1923) Ralnor Siltan known as President Siltan of The Republic of Stoffonia born 960 died 1032 reigned from 1015 until 1025 e.y. (1868) (1940) (1923) (1933) Aarn Stinst known as President Stinst of The Republic of Stoffonia born 980 died 1065 reigned from 1025 until 1030 e.y. (1888) (1973) (1933) (1938) Jothan Istan known as President Istan of The Republic of Stoffonia born 967 died 1051 reigned from 1030 until 1040 e.y. (1875) (1959) (1938) (1948) > Delstan Bekelst an Silstof known as President Silstoff of The Republic of Stoffonia born 992 died 1090 reigned from 1040 until 1045 e.y. (1900) (1998) (1948) (1953) > Alno Bistenil an Ibilstof known as President Ibilstoff of The Republic of Stoffonia born 1000 died 1045 reigned from 1045 until 1050 e.y. (1908) (1953) (1953) (1958) > Methor Acrost known as President Acrost of The Republic of Stoffonia born 992 died 1082 reigned from 1050 until 1055 e.y. (1900) (1990) (1958) (1963) Aks Gamiln an Fulstof known as President Fulstoff of The Republic of Stoffonia born 999 died 1076 reigned from 1055 until 1065 e.y. (1907) (1984) (1963) (1973) > Rothan Postan known as President Postan of The Republic of Stoffonia born 1020 died 0 reigned from 1065 until 1075 e.y. (1928) ( 908) (1973) (1983) > Nothor Inst an Mistof known as President Mistoff of The Republic of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 1070 until 1075 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1978) (1983) > Detan Arstan known as President Arstan of The Republic of Stoffonia born 1024 died 0 reigned from 1075 until 1080 e.y. (1932) ( 908) (1983) (1988) > Methor Diministan an Iarnstoff known as President Iarnstoff of The Republic of Stoffonia born 1020 died 1084 reigned from 1080 until 1084 e.y. (1928) (1992) (1988) (1992) > Minotan Alst known as President Alst of The Republic of Stoffonia born 0 died 0 reigned from 1084 until 1100 e.y. ( 908) ( 908) (1992) (2008)